Sunday, 25 October 2015

Metamorphose tea-party

Finally it’s time for the Metamorphose tea party post! I must say that I actually thought I took lots and lots of photos, apparently I didn’t… anyhow I’m happy to share the experience and the photos I have!

The tea party was held at Schick Hotel Stefanie in Vienna, a gorgeous hotel with really beautiful rooms and decor. Too bad I didn’t take any photos of how the hotel looked from outside (and inside lol). I didn’t have a VIP ticket, but one of my roommates did - so we were at the hotel early and had plenty of time to take outfit pictures and such.   

Let’s start with my outfit!

 (The lightning inside the hotel made the photos a bit yellow).

I fell in love with the print of this Metamorphose dress and bought it specially for the occasion. (Sadly it was a bit too big for me, so I decided to sell it after the event.) The dress series is called “Noble Tea Party“ and I thought that it was therefore really fitting to wear to a tea party. ( ^ u ^ )

The rest of my coord is based on the name of the dress - I tried to recreate a ‘noble girl going to a tea party’ kind of feeling. XD The main point of the coord is of course the hat! It took me 2 weeks to make and it’s 100% hand sewn (making my hands very sad, and me pretty proud of the result). I got lots of compliments, so it was totally worth making and I am super happy everyone liked it!

The VIP guests were allowed in an hour before the rest of us, so while waiting there was a lot of photo taking going on. We were just under 200 lolitas at the event (my speculation) and I’m sad I didn’t take more photos, both of people and with people. So many lovely outfits I don’t get to show you guys. ( ;___; ) 

Here are some cute lolitas taking selfies while waiting.

I also snapped some awesome outfit photos!  (In case someone don’t want their photo to be seen here please tell me.)

One of my room-mates! We were 4 girls living together, but sadly never took a group photo. 
Next time!!!

I talked a lot with these 3 girls. They were really cute and nice :3 The girl in the middle made the dress herself. Awesome!

2 more cuties! <3

I love all-black coords! Such lovely hat~

I think steam punk lolita is really cool and this is outfit is awesome. <3 

While waiting I also had time to have a coffee with rum and whipped cream. I forgot what it’s called, but it is supposedly a specialty in Vienna. The hotel bar was really pretty, hence I had to take a ‘I’m drinking cofee’ photo!

I must say, there was A LOT of rum in my coffee XD much more than I expected. 

When the time for the event to start came, there were pretty many lovely lolitas queuing in the vestibule. 

I’m pretty sure some oujis are hiding in there as well.

Then it was time to go in, mingle and of course grab some food. I am so used to the fact that no photos are allowed in shops in Japan, I didn’t take any photos of the stalls. There was not a huge amount of shops at the tea party, but there were a couple of indie brands selling their awesome wares and of course Metamorphose had a stall managed by the designer Taira Chinatsu and brand president Ryo Matsuoka. I greeted them welcome to Europe and managed to take a photo with Taira Chinatsu. ( // ^ w ^ // )

She was really nice and sweet!

Also the Japanese band Die Milch was guests at the tea party. They were both really nice. <3

Speaking of food, here is a part of the buffet table and my plate – with mostly sweet stuff on it. Haha

Cakes! <3

One of the highlights of the event was of course the Metamorphose fashion show. All the models were really great and I think there was a nice flow and choreography to the show! I didn't manage to snap a photo of all the models, but here are some of my favorite looks:

Here is a link to a short fashion show video I filmed: 
It's the very end when all the models walk out again. 

All the pretty models and Metamorphose designer Taira Chinatsu.

After the fashion show there was also a ruffle with lots of nice prizes, a Q and A panel with the designer and Metamorphoses designer chose the 2 pretties outfits. I won a cute set of a ring and hair accessories from myauMANIA. Thank you! ( ^ w ^ )/

After the tea party was wrapped up, there was an after party. The Gothic Dandy and Lolita Music festival! It was really awesome that it was held the same day as the tea party and I am really happy I could participate. I have no photos, since I left most of my stuff at the apartment, but the bands performing were: Die Milch (from Japan), Lolita KompleX, Meinhard and Swansong for a Raven. 

They were all really great and the performances were awesome. There were also 2 dance acts, which was really fun! I was standing in the first row, waving at everyone and dancing. haha 

The day of the tea party was long, but filled with lots of awesome meetings and fun activities. I hope everyone has as fun as I did. <3 I am really happy I got to go and I can’t wait to see all my friends again!

To end this long post, here are 2 photos of me and the pretty piano in the lounge of the hotel. ( ^  ^ )

*Casually pretends she knows how to play XD

 There are more photos from the tea party up on Facebook if anyone is interested in seeing more. Here are some links:

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