Friday, 28 August 2015

Frill Fest 2015

There are already many posts and photos out from the Swedish lolita event Frill Fest, but I thought that it's better to write and share my experience late then never. ( ^  ^ ) My journey towards participating in Frill Fest started simply from buying a ticket to the event. At that time I had just come back from Japan and I was really happy to hear that there was a lolita event and a tea party planned to be held in Sweden. Later I contacted Carolyn - one of the organizers to see if they needed some help and maybe a translator and luckily they did! So that's' basically the backstory of how I got to participate in the event, just sheer luck I'd say. 

The 4 days I was in Gothenburg were really busy! There was lots of running around, planning and organizing, fixing and re-scheduling and almost no time for food. (haha) Although it was really busy it was also really, really fun! I had the opportunity to meet Misako, the staff and designer of Baby the Stars Shine Bright and lots of awesome people from all over Scandinavia. I really wish we could hold events like this more often! 

The highlights of Frill Fest were of course the fashion shows, panels, mingle time, the shops and the Kawaii Ambassador nomination. At first I was scheduled to participate in 2 fashion shows, but decided later that I can just as well be in the community fashion show as well. I'd say that all the shows were a great success and all the models were really awesome! We definitely made the best effort we could and I think everyone from BABY and the indie designers were really happy with the outcome. Here are some photos from the Baby the Stars Shine Bright fashion show~ ( ^ w ^ ) 

All the beautiful models

Me and Misako ( // ^ ^ // )

BABY's designer, me, Misako and the Tokyo store shop staff
Everyone was really flawless on every occasion!

Sadly as I was running around translating och fixing stuff most of the time I didn't really get to mingle, buy things or listen to the panels much. But from the glimpses of what I had the time to see the indie fashion designers panel was really interesting, and I wish I had more time to listen and ask some questions. I also regret nor being able to thoroughly look at all the items Baby the Stars Shine Bright were selling at their booth. 

As for the Kawaii Ambassador nomination, the fact that I won really came as a huge surprise. I entered the competition because I felt that I could give something to the lolita community, both in Sweden and worldwide. I thought it would be so great to share my experience in lolita fashion with others, to help the community to grow and to spread the knowledge about lolita fashion. But with so many really talented lolitas also entering the competition I didn't even dream of actually winning. I am really great-full for everyone who voted for me and I sincerely hope I don't disappoint anyone in my role as a Kawaii Ambassador. 

Me and Misako just after I was announced as the winner. ( >w< )

I can probably go on writing about Frill Fest forever, as the time I spent there was packed with so many awesome events, but I don't want to bore anyone so I think its time to stop now. I will write about the Baby the Stars Shine Bright tea party in a separate post to not make this one overly-huge. I hope everyone who participated in Frill Fest enjoyed it as much as I did and I can't wait for more lolita events to go to!       

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